One of the many way Daddy will live vicariously through me...the football stud he never was

He's got the dive down

Uncle Jose was so great with Jonas, even after he stole Jose's hat

Its about time...Daddy's friends David, Jose and Dave only took 9 months to finally meet Jonas, ok, we do live in Oklahoma. This was proof that Dave can hold a baby without dropping it or making it cry for a FULL 5 minutes!

Highchair good times

Are you kidding with that smile? How sweet!

Oh, yes, the first tooth finally made an appearance at almost 9 months!

Super Jonas!

Oh, this was so last week...he can now pull himself completely up, the only problem is he cant always figure out how to get back down.

Jonas is getting impossible to bathe, dont let the innocent look fool you he is a wild man in the tub!!
That sweet, innocent baby can't POSSIBLY be a wildman! I don't believe you. :)
He's cuter every new picture I see! I know you are going to miss him something fierce while you are in Napa!!
Jonas is too cute as a Lil Devil! And such A BIG BOY walking! YEAH, now you wont be able to keep up with him!
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