Monday, March 31, 2008

Fun Fun Fun

Sure he needs a little help with a blanket tucked in the front and one in the back, but after seeing Ashlynn put the toy to use, Jonas wanted to try it out for himself.

A couple more cute pics from Ashlynn's visit

Social Butterfly

This is my friend Ashlynn Cate Bohnsack. We met for the first time on Sunday, but we are going to be lifelong friends, I just know it. She is showing me the way of what is to come; highchairs, crawling, teething, standing...oh what fun to see what I have to look forward to.
I think she enjoyed the activity center even though she looks pained right here, its that darn tooth that popped up the night before.
Im getting so big I barley fit in Auntie Micheley's lap anymore
This was our trip to the Classic Cafe where Mommy and Daddy first met. I got to see all the old gang there and quickly got bored with the restaurant scene and made my parents take me home.
Ashlyn was very touchy she liked to pat me. As you can see I just woke up and it was a bit overwhelming to have all these people and introductions before I even knew what was going on.
Love pats, well they were a bit harder than that, but Ashlynn just wanted to see what Jonas was all about. Jonas loved watching Ashlynn in action.
Brent and his baby girl
With Uncle Mr. T and auntie Micheley
I also met Shane and Caytie finally too. So many people to keep up with.
Caytie made me laugh when she played with my toes.
They played pass around the baby
How cute am I?
Im a fan of the camera, Ive got this posing thing down.
This was Easter and here I am with Auntie Jess and Uncle David
I love me some Auntie Jessica!
Still trying to get this solid food thing down
Oh, thanks Mimi, when you open your mouth like that then I understand how it all works.
This was me & Mommy after she returned from the Mavericks baketball game. Im wearing a cute Easter outfit, but you cant really tell...mommy didnt do a good job of getting pictures of it, oh well, there will more Easters to come.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Such a mess!

This is ridiculous...why cant they just give me my bottle, its so much more effective
Ohh...Yia Yia is a pro at this
Mommy isnt quite as good, but I will cut her some slack
I'm many people does it take to feed an infant?
I love my Ugie...he just needs to loosen his grip a bit...Im not going anywhere!
Thia Sophia came to visit from Odessa...she swung me around and around, I loved that so much I spit up all over her to show my appreciation, thanks Thia!

Check me out in my is way better sitting up!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Let it Snow!!!

Mommy and me almost disappear into the snow-filled background, can you believe this was March in Texas?
I even had to break out the hat!

Wow...the snow was piled up to the door at least 6 inches

Daddy shoveling snow for the first time in his life! He only did it because he couldnt get up the driveway!!

Thia Lexas from Pittsburgh sent Jonas this snow suit, we didnt think we were going to have a chance to use it but we did, and he looked so darn cute in it.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

In case there was any question...yes he is a red-head!

I cant believe mommy is still bathing me in this silly thing...she is a baby when it comes to giving me a bath...all because of that one time she smacked my head into the cabinet after pulling me from the bath, I've forgiven her but she still gets nervous at bathtime and insists on using the ducky tub.

Yes, I know...I look pretty cute in yellow

My parents think this chair is fun with the toys that dangle, but all I really want to do is put the toys in my mouth, so really its like torture that the toys dont reach my mouth and it just frustrates me.

Concentrating...I will get that toy in my mouth


Go Mavs!!

The arm gets him everytime...

He really can roll over much better than this for the most part...its just a bit tricky in the crib and I think he was pretty tired here. Exciting stuff though, cant wait till he's crawling!

Im growing up!!

Check me out, I consider this sitting up, whats the big challenge please.