Sunday, December 30, 2007

Holiday visits and festivities

Bath-Time is even better when I can get my whole fist in my mouth!
Yay Bath-Time!!

My cute jammies from Brandi and Kelly...Thanks!

Yay...I got to meet Stephanie who came down from Cleveland for a visit!

Go Cowboys!!!

Afternoon nap with Daddy

Helping Mommy bake...pretty handy in the kitchen!

Too much wine...down for the count!

Granny and Grandpa made it down from Tennesse to see Jonas!

Auntie Jess and soon-to-be Uncle David...congrats on your Xmas Eve engagement!!

Mimi 'n Me

Ready to go to Pops and Mimi's for Xmas!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Jonas is 1 Month!!

Thanks for my cool onsie from Haight Ashbury Mary!!

Please mute my voice so you arent tortured by baby seems to work though. He is still working on his smile but hes started practicing and should have many more big smiles to come, so fun!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Jonas first video

We caught him being his usual cute self...

Friday, November 16, 2007

Pictures from the first couple of days at the hospital and some of Jonas' visitors.

Welcome to the blog page, we are getting Jonas ready for his first trip to the Dr.