Thursday, October 23, 2008

A few new tricks...

This is just silly, but funny nonetheless, I think I have a picture of me doing the same thing as a little one.
Ok, so he may have the phone and remote confused, but at least he understands the principle.

Oh yes, and he's discovered the wonder of not just opening a cabinet, but pulling everything out of do you teach them to put everything back inside?


Not too sure about the itchy grass

Oh, Jonas is quite the helper

He assembled alsmot the entire jogging stroller by himself!

Little master in the making

Lets get you up to date...

Well, it happened...on Thursday, October 23rd, Jonas Line took his first steps!!! Maybe thats why I had this anxiety to get home and see him tonight, I am so glad I was there for every juicy first moment of it all!!! What an amazing monumental occassion!!

Such a proud moment!!