Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day Festivities

Ashlyn and Jonas met once again, still a little too young for playtime, but theyre getting closer
Swimming failed miserably, maybe next time Jonas will be more interested, maybe the water was too cold?
Lunch with Yia Yia
A trip to Pops n Mimi's always a good time
Check out Ashlyn's swimsuit, too cute!
Cool dude, Jonas' first pair of shades

They are pretty cute in their matching swimmers
Happy as can be on Mr T's lap

Our First Trip

Kelly's Mom, Lynn a.k.a., "baby whisperer" ate up her time with Jonas and Paige. Jonas' mommy ate it up too...thanks for the break! Jonas fell asleep in Lynn's arms, I have not seen him do that since he was in his first months of life...she is indeed the baby whisperer!
Can you believe that face? What a doll...Paige was quite the trooper the day of the shower since the activities required she skip her nap. The second wind came with a vengance and she was good as new.

Tim to the rescue...BB and I had to run out for formula (poor planning on Mommy's part) and the search was not so easy (hypo-allergenic formula)...and since Jonas was put down with only half a bottle in hopes he would cry it out and go to sleep Tim decided to rescue little man from his misery and watch The Office instead, Jonas was very appreciative as were we when we returned and found them on the couch together, so cute!
Girls reunite! How fun to see Mena, Kelly and Brandi, wish we got together more often.
The final moments before we boarded the plane...Jonas did great both ways, slept just about the whole time, thank goodness!
Playtime with BB and Niko, the building blocks were a hit!
Jonas felt right at home with his temporary bouncy seat on loan for him to use while visiting
Mena and Mark's baby shower...1 week after this picture, baby Henry Atticus arrived!
Paige met her match, Kirin, only 1 day apart in age, these two had a blast together, hopefully next time Jonas and Paige meet they can play too

Monday, May 12, 2008

I'm back! Sorry guys, i was without a camera for a bit...we are back up and running!

All the Moms...Mimi, Mommy, Yia Yia. I love my girls!

Yia Yia, Eugene and me...oh what fun!

I needed a bath after going to Yia Yia's...since I had an accident in the acitivity center, I guess you could say I christened their carpet! Gave them all a mother's day memory.
Wearing no diapers rules!!!
Ohh such a long day, ready for nanee-nanee