Cold chillin, watching Sunday morning cartoons...almost sitting up, it kind of counts, right?

Sleepy time...passed out in mommy's arms, pudgee cheeks and all.

Twin aunties turn 21! Aunty Shelby and Auntie Lindsay turned 21 and we all got together to celebrate. Jonas did very well at his outing, he is a pro at restaurants these days...amazing what the bottle does. Happy Birthday girls!

Uncle Francis stopped by to meet the little guy...Jonas loved the game he played where he pinched his cheeks and made silly noises...you cant see it here but he was laughing up a storm.

Can you see what my bib says? "Chick Magnet", oh yeah! Mommy puts me in that carrier way too much, but we are always very busy and I am a huge helper!

Well, its official, I am obsessed with my hands, if you see me without them in my mouth that is a rare occassion...they are the best!

Check me out...I can now roll over too, wont be much longer before Im crawling!

I love the stories mommy reads to me, I can read along too, I already know my abc's I just choose not to say them yet.

Ok Mitchy, I will share my blanket with you.

Chubby cheeks!

I dig my rocking chair!