Friday, December 26, 2008

December 08

Caterpillar tunnels rule!!
Mimi n Jonas Christmas day

Oops, that one is not yours!

Jonas still has some work to do on getting down the concept of sitting in the chair...he mostly just wants to lift it or run full force and face plant into it.

The barn with doors that open and close and magnetic animals that you can remove was a cool gift from Yia Yia

He loves this one too

Family at Christmas

We had a few cold days in December, actually had to bust out the hat and mittens

Yia Yia's house Christmas morning

With the aunties

Sometimes we just like to eat in a differnt place than the highchair

Helping Mommy wrap Christmas presents

Peace pjs are cute, but I think they might be girl pjs once I got them home, oh well.

Bubble baths are the best!

Is there anything cuter than little boys in sweater vests?

Hes going to get the chair down one of these days

Love the garage toy

Thanks Shane and Caytie for my bday present

Sunday football game watchin

Friday, December 5, 2008

" Too busy with my sales to celebrate Thanksgiving", Jonas has people to see, places to go, trades to make...he needs that phone on his ear at all times...he is so VIP
Yummm, turkey! This year Jonas actually got to participate in the festivities...Thanksgiving '07 he was 1 week old and much more into sleeping than anything else. '08 was time for eating his first turkey, stuffing, pie, oh my!

Every year the Corporon home hosts Thanksgiving to family, friends, and UNT grad students stuck in Denton. Eugene is so gracious to open his home to students who live too far from home to make that journey. This year we had 2 Japanese couples spend the holiday with us...and with Jonas as the only child there and all that additional attention. he absolutely ate it up.

Yia Yai and Jonas. Jonas spent Thanksgiving eve with his Yia Yia and she was able to make two dishes while watching him. I am lucky to take a tinkle while watching him, he is such a handful, but then again, this is the beast-master we are talking about (and she talks to Jonas like the dogs sometimes too :-)

Jonas is mastering his typing skills, he is up to 25 words/minute...weve let him know our expectations, but he seems to going through a "rebelious" phase

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy First Birthday Jonas!!!

Naked baby on the loose! Trying to get dressed for the party but Jonas had a different plan...sorry, but I will take any excuse to take a picture of his naked bottom, is there anything more cute?
Hey, hey ladies...Oops, forgot to take one of the boys, oh well.

Little Eve was such a doll and took Jonas under her wing, he followed her everywhere she went.

Lil Miss Ashlynn and Jonas had so much fun chasing after the same toys...they look peaceful in this picture, but I think Jonas pinned Ashlynn behind the toy quickly after this shot

After Jonas finished eating the cake he deciede he wasnt quite done...there were crumbs on the floor he wasnt going to let go to waste!

Gotta have some milk to wash down that cake! Last week for the bottle, say goodbye soon!

Mommy is great...she gives me chocolate cake.

Happy Birthday!!

Two peas in a pod

Jonas is Daddy's best helper...all the toys that needed assembling, Jonas was front and center to make his contribution

The tissue paper was half the fun of the present!

What are the chances he would get two of these trucks? Will's buddies must think an awful lot alike.

Jonas' diet was pretty limited until the first birthday...I was careful to only introduce a new food every three days, but on this day we threw caution to the wind! Corndog for lunch, mango juice for a snack, chocolate cake for dessert, and he did just fine...oh the joys of turning 1!

Little Miss Ashlynn came to celebrate too! Jonas was so proud to show her his new walking skills since the last time they played.

The party was great for the adults since we just locked the kids in the dog crate...they hardly complained!
Im not sure why, but Jonas discovered the dog crate and has been fascinated with it ever since.

Great source of entertainment.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Lil Devil

Smash the pumpkins
Lil pumpkins for the lil man

Couldnt resist to try and grab the biggest pumkin
Everything must go in the mouth
Yummy pumpkin

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A few new tricks...

This is just silly, but funny nonetheless, I think I have a picture of me doing the same thing as a little one.
Ok, so he may have the phone and remote confused, but at least he understands the principle.

Oh yes, and he's discovered the wonder of not just opening a cabinet, but pulling everything out of do you teach them to put everything back inside?


Not too sure about the itchy grass

Oh, Jonas is quite the helper

He assembled alsmot the entire jogging stroller by himself!

Little master in the making