Sunday, April 26, 2009

First Baseball Game...Go Rangers!!!

It was a long walk to the car...a little break on Daddy's shoulders was needed
It looked cool from the outside...surely he would be entertained by all the excitement inside?

Well, we had to pay him off with ice cream about 30 minutes in

You could always count on Jonas to join in on the applause...I think this was his favorite part.

I believe we lasted an hour and a half...not bad for a 17 mont old!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Since the last post...

Mimi bought Jonas a pretty sweet Easter outfit

He got some Easter loot

Some new cars since he is obsessed with cars...

Learned how to play the guitar
Had his first fat lip

Got his first hair cut...much needed!
Did pretty well in the hot seat

Nikki paid him off with some toys

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Here are a few photos...weve been slacking on the blog front!

Gee, who does this look like?
Yia Yia brought over all kinds of fun ballons for Valentines Day...that was a solid 3 days of entertainment!

Just learned about the greatness of juice boxes!

Such a big helper when it comes to packing

Still working on the food etiquette

Oh, didnt you know the fridge is like the best toy ever?

All bundled up


Still getting used to the vacuum, not a big fan of the loud noise...dont worry Jonas I hate the friggin thing too!

Friday, December 26, 2008

December 08

Caterpillar tunnels rule!!
Mimi n Jonas Christmas day

Oops, that one is not yours!

Jonas still has some work to do on getting down the concept of sitting in the chair...he mostly just wants to lift it or run full force and face plant into it.

The barn with doors that open and close and magnetic animals that you can remove was a cool gift from Yia Yia

He loves this one too

Family at Christmas

We had a few cold days in December, actually had to bust out the hat and mittens

Yia Yia's house Christmas morning

With the aunties

Sometimes we just like to eat in a differnt place than the highchair

Helping Mommy wrap Christmas presents

Peace pjs are cute, but I think they might be girl pjs once I got them home, oh well.

Bubble baths are the best!

Is there anything cuter than little boys in sweater vests?

Hes going to get the chair down one of these days

Love the garage toy

Thanks Shane and Caytie for my bday present

Sunday football game watchin

Friday, December 5, 2008

" Too busy with my sales to celebrate Thanksgiving", Jonas has people to see, places to go, trades to make...he needs that phone on his ear at all times...he is so VIP
Yummm, turkey! This year Jonas actually got to participate in the festivities...Thanksgiving '07 he was 1 week old and much more into sleeping than anything else. '08 was time for eating his first turkey, stuffing, pie, oh my!

Every year the Corporon home hosts Thanksgiving to family, friends, and UNT grad students stuck in Denton. Eugene is so gracious to open his home to students who live too far from home to make that journey. This year we had 2 Japanese couples spend the holiday with us...and with Jonas as the only child there and all that additional attention. he absolutely ate it up.

Yia Yai and Jonas. Jonas spent Thanksgiving eve with his Yia Yia and she was able to make two dishes while watching him. I am lucky to take a tinkle while watching him, he is such a handful, but then again, this is the beast-master we are talking about (and she talks to Jonas like the dogs sometimes too :-)

Jonas is mastering his typing skills, he is up to 25 words/minute...weve let him know our expectations, but he seems to going through a "rebelious" phase